Thursday, September 20, 2007


When you set out to find the light, you rarely do. Being prepared when the light finds you is the key. Whether you have a camera with you, or not, look at images through a lens, real or imaginary. When the "right" light presents itself, you'll be ready to shoot.
The lighting in a photo really defines it. It reflects upon an image nature's mood. Unnatural light gives life to an object that would otherwise not be visible to the eye.
I am a rookie in the art of photography and am learning to use the camera and just what a camera can do. I am excited to explore the world and look at it with a different, critical, eye. I am hoping to chronicle the images in everyday life that are important to me (and somewhat define me) and share them with all of you. And in the process of searching for the light, my camera will help me capture it and hold, if only for the briefest moment.

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